July 7, 2024

3 Tips to keep Projects under control

Controlling your projects means that you’re staying ahead of the curve. You can identify problems and roadblocks before they negatively impact the project. Here are 3 Tips to keep projects under control

Projects are inherently complex and can derail in numerous ways, leading to delays, cost overruns, or failure to meet objectives. In organizations managing multiple projects simultaneously, maintaining oversight and control becomes even more critical. Effective project management is crucial for ensuring that tasks are executed efficiently and goals are met. Here’s a detailed guide on how to keep your projects under control, supported by relevant statistics and best practices.

1. Implement a Robust Project Tracking System

Why It Matters:  A well-structured project tracking system is essential for monitoring progress, identifying potential issues, and making informed decisions. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), organizations that use standardized project management practices are 38% more likely to complete their projects on time and 28% more likely to finish within budget.

Best Practices


  1. Use Project Management Software: Tools like Microsoft Project, JIRA, Asana, and Trello offer comprehensive tracking capabilities. For instance, Asana users reported a 45% improvement in team productivity and a 37% increase in on-time project delivery after adopting the platform (source: Asana Work Management Report, 2023).
  2. Maintain Regular Updates: Weekly or bi-weekly updates are crucial. The Project Management Institute notes that regular status updates improve project success rates by up to 36% (source: PMI Pulse of the Profession, 2023).
  3. Track Key Metrics: Metrics such as project milestones, budget adherence, and resource allocation are vital. For example, organizations with well-defined project performance metrics see a 24% higher success rate in project delivery (source: PMI).

2. Engage Stakeholders and Leadership

Why It Matters: Engaging stakeholders and leadership is crucial for ensuring alignment and securing necessary support. A study by the Harvard Business Review found that projects with active executive sponsorship are 6 times more likely to succeed than those without (source: HBR, 2021).

Best Practices
  1. Identify Key Roles: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the leadership team and stakeholders. Understanding their influence and involvement helps in tailoring communication and support strategies.
  2. Facilitate Regular Communication: Keep stakeholders informed with regular high-level updates. This could be through weekly emails, brief status reports, or quick updates via messaging apps. For instance, using tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for daily check-ins can streamline communication and keep everyone on the same page.
  3. Address Challenges Proactively: Regularly discuss what’s done, what’s next, and any current challenges. This approach helps in preemptively addressing issues before they escalate.

3. Utilize Visual and Interactive Tools

Why It Matters:Visual tools help in maintaining clarity and transparency within the project team. According to a report by the Aberdeen Group, teams that use visual management tools are 25% more likely to meet their project goals and objectives (source: Aberdeen Group, 2022).

Best Practices
  1. Adopt Status Boards: Implement digital status boards like SharePoint or Trello. These tools provide a centralized location for tracking project progress and updates. For example, Trello users have reported a 31% increase in team collaboration and a 20% improvement in project visibility (source: Trello User Survey, 2023).

  2. Ensure Real-Time Updates: A visual status board should be updated in real-time to reflect the latest project status, deadlines, and task assignments. This ensures that all team members have access to the most current information.

  3. Encourage Team Contributions: Allow team members to update the status board with relevant information. This participatory approach helps in gathering diverse inputs and enhances the accuracy of project tracking.


By implementing a robust project tracking system, engaging stakeholders effectively, and utilizing visual management tools, project managers can significantly improve their ability to control projects and drive them to successful completion. According to PMI, organizations that adopt these best practices see a 20% increase in project success rates, highlighting the importance of effective project management strategies (source: PMI Pulse of the Profession, 2023). Keeping projects under control not only helps in identifying issues early but also ensures that resources are optimally allocated, ultimately leading to better project outcomes.

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